This viewer is pre-loaded with the MNI 152 standard brain. Hover or click on the brain to see anatomical labels.
To load your own image:
You should see a black screen. You can now drag and drop the MRI file that ends with .nii.gz (or DICOM files/folder)
onto the black window, or you can click on File and then Add Image.
Make sure to use Close ALL if you wish to see a different image. Otherwise, the previous image remains there and the new image you add overlays on top. Please note that your images/data will never be saved on this website.
If your images are normalised to MNI space, the MNI template overlay will automatically add region labels to your image. If you have fMRI correlation maps, t-maps, DTI images you can also add the anatomical image first and add the second image as an overlay to visualise the results.